[Openglam_members] Next call

Lieke Ploeger lieke.ploeger at okfn.org
Tue Nov 17 12:45:56 UTC 2015

Dear all,

Thanks for bringing this up, I think it will be very useful indeed to
rethink the purpose of our OpenGLAM working group, and make sure it is
relevant to all members.

As you have probably heard, we at Open Knowledge have a new CEO since this
summer, Pavel Richter (formerly with Wikimedia). Following on from our
recent summit, the organisational strategy of Open Knowledge is currently
being discussed internally. As soon as this has been more fleshed out, also
the future role of the OpenGLAM community will be discussed in more detail.

I do think that this is a good opportunity for us to come up with our
vision and plan of the Working Group, so that we can be actively involved
in this discussion, It would therefore be great to hear your thoughts on
the main value of the OpenGLAM working group, what can be improved on, and
what activities we could / should focus on in the newt two years.

Personally, I agree with Maarten that the global connections are very
valuable, and that there is great value in sharing experiences with each
other (not only in our calls, but also through extended blogs / user
stories and case studies) for others to learn from.

Best regards, Lieke Ploeger.

On 9 November 2015 at 08:51, Maarten Brinkerink <
mbrinkerink at beeldengeluid.nl> wrote:

> Dear all,
> Great that we are having this discussion. For me the added value of the
> working group comes down to:
> 1. Keeping each other up to speed on what is happening on the national
> level
> 2. Seeing how we can replicate the respective national initiatives in our
> own context and learn from previous experiences
> 3. Looking at cross-pollination and connections of open heritage on a
> global level (in reuse)
> Especially the latter is something where I see a lot of potential, that we
> mostly aren’t fulfilling at the moment.
> Best,
> Maarten
> Op 5 nov. 2015, om 18:36 heeft Joris Pekel <jpekel at gmail.com> het
> volgende geschreven:
> Hi everyone,
> I just had a call with just Beat. It was useful as we could talk about
> some things for my upcoming presentation at DISH, but we also discussed the
> purpose of these monthly calls. We think they worked exceptionally well
> when we were preparing for an event such as OKFest. As we did not have
> anything like that this year, it becomes a bit hard to see the purpose
> other than updating each other what we are working on. While this is very
> often interesting to hear, I think the mailing list is a better tool for
> that.
> I would therefore like to discuss with you all what the purpose of the
> working group currently is. How can we shape the group and its activities
> that it is useful for you? Is it mostly to learn from initiatives from
> other countries? To build stuff together? To encourage each other? I think
> as the original goal of these calls is not happening at the moment, we need
> to re-think what we want to achieve, and then come up with the best way to
> achieve that.
> My proposal would be to first hear back from Lieke what the plans of the
> OKF are with OpenGLAM in the next two years. After that we can open up the
> discussion how this group fits in that and if it aligns with what each
> individual member wants to get out of its membership. Maybe the group
> should grow for example, maybe not. Maybe it is more useful to setup
> monthly lectures where one person invited to explain something about a
> project they are doing and everybody on the OpenGLAM public list can tune
> in. Stuff like that.
> I am very eager to hear your ideas about this. What is for you the main
> value of the OpenGLAM working group? Where do you see improvements? etc.
> Please let me know your thoughts.
> Kind regards,
> Joris
> 2015-11-05 16:58 GMT+01:00 Joris Pekel <jpekel at gmail.com>:
>> Dear all,
>> For those of you who can make it, here is the link to the hangout:
>> https://hangouts.google.com/call/iwjjedxyqrogrunnhhhilvnuaia
>> Cheers!
>> Joris
>> 2015-11-02 17:49 GMT+01:00 Lieke Ploeger <lieke.ploeger at okfn.org>:
>>> Yes, as you have probably heard we have a new CEO since this summer,
>>> Pavel Richter (formerly with Wikimedia). At the moment the organisational
>>> strategy of Open Knowledge is being discussed internally so there is no
>>> news yet, but I will keep you updated of course!
>>> Best, Lieke
>>> On 2 November 2015 at 16:44, Joris Pekel <jpekel at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> too bad Lieke!
>>>> I read in the notes from the advisory board call that your new CEO has
>>>> some thoughts about the future of the OKF and I guess therefore also
>>>> OpenGLAM. Is there already something you can share with us about this?
>>>> For the people who can make it: Thursday is the best option. at 5 CET.
>>>> See also:
>>>> http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/?qm=1&lid=2747891,524901,4930956,2193733&h=2747891&date=2015-11-2&sln=17-18
>>>> Looking forward to it!
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Joris
>>>> 2015-11-02 11:35 GMT+01:00 Lieke Ploeger <lieke.ploeger at okfn.org>:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> Really sorry but this week I'm not able to join the OpenGLAM call
>>>>> these days in the afternoon, hope to talk to you again next month!
>>>>> Best, Lieke
>>>>> On 28 October 2015 at 15:50, Joris Pekel <jpekel at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> The Doodle for this week didn't really result in a call where more
>>>>>> than 3 people could make it.
>>>>>> Therefore another try for next week:
>>>>>> http://doodle.com/poll/yhf58y3gm4fvxcak
>>>>>> Hope it works out!
>>>>>> Speak soon,
>>>>>> Joris
>>>>>> 2015-10-23 12:37 GMT+02:00 Joris Pekel <jpekel at gmail.com>:
>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>> Let/s try to have our call next week. Haven't spoken to some of you
>>>>>>> for quite a while!
>>>>>>> Here is the doodle, timezone support is enabled.
>>>>>>> http://doodle.com/poll/88m6r5sqttk8x2tm
>>>>>>> Have a great weekend!
>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>> Joris
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Lieke Ploeger
>>>>> Community Manager  | skype: laploeger  |  @liekeploeger
>>>>> <https://twitter.com/liekeploeger>
>>>>> Open Knowledge  - See how data can change the world
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>>> --
>>> Lieke Ploeger
>>> Community Manager  | skype: laploeger  |  @liekeploeger
>>> <https://twitter.com/liekeploeger>
>>> Open Knowledge  - See how data can change the world
>>> http://okfn.org/  |  @okfn <http://twitter.com/OKFN>  |  OKF on Facebook
>>> <https://www.facebook.com/OKFNetwork>  |  Blog <http://blog.okfn.org/>
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> openglam_members mailing list
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Lieke Ploeger

Community Manager  | skype: laploeger  |  @liekeploeger

Open Knowledge  - See how data can change the world
http://okfn.org/  |  @okfn <http://twitter.com/OKFN>  |  OKF on Facebook
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