[openspending-dev] OpenSpending.org - redesign

Lucy Chambers lucy.chambers at okfn.org
Fri Feb 3 17:43:46 UTC 2012

Hi Sam, (cc dev list for their info)

We've only spoken briefly when you started - I'm Lucy, the community
coordinator on OpenSpending. Sat here in Panton street, having seen the
amazing things you have done with the datahub, we wondered whether there
was scope to ask you to turn your hand to OpenSpending.org's main page?

A brief overview of what OpenSpending is and what we'd like it to be:

We've very quickly blocked out the things which are important for us to
have featured on the main page, but we wanted to leave the main artistic
expression up for grabs:


* Ignore the arrangement of things on paper - the only thing which is fixed
about the page is that we will have an interactive map showing countries
which we have data for (meant to encourage people to get involved to fill
in the white spaces - the get involved message is something we really want
to come across quite strongly here)

@Gregor / Friedrich - could we show Sam what that might look like? I don't
have a link.

* Boxes marked by stars = dynamic content and activity streams that we
would like to feature quite prominently
* Some of the items in other boxes can move to the navigation or footer

What do you think? Could we organise a quick chat to talk about this in
more depth?

Take care and have a great weekend!


Lucy Chambers
Community Coordinator
Open Knowledge Foundation
Skype: lucyfediachambers
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