[openspending-dev] Dev meeting: Nov 7, 2013

Tryggvi Björgvinsson tryggvi.bjorgvinsson at okfn.org
Tue Nov 5 16:07:30 UTC 2013

Hi all,

On Thursday we have our monthly developer meeting (first Thursday of

Note that because of daylight savings time the meeting time has moved. I
had put the meeting in at 14:00 GMT (Icelandic time) in the community
calendar and that didn't get adjusted for daylight savings (probably
because we don't do DST in Iceland). This means that on our calendar the
time is different and since many of you probably use the calendar we
shouldn't try to change it, so we're sticking to 14:00 GMT.

I'll put a few times in other time zones below.

Like always the meeting takes place on our IRC channel, #openspending on

# Meeting agenda

1. Discuss our project frame/scope
    * The mission/opportunities/areas of collaboration/skills required
    * Quite beaurocratic for a dev meeting (but it doesn't have to be
        * Helps us see in which direction we're heading (together)
        * We'll dig into the technical aspects of the project scope
2. Technical goals the next 6 months
    * We at The Open Knowledge Foundation have set goals for our
contributions to OpenSpending over the next 6 months
        * Those goals are how we want to contribute
        * Those goals are not holy (since The Open Knowledge Foundation
staff's code contributions are now part of the community contributions
and we as a community have a say in if they're valuable or not)
    * You can contribute goals and we can discuss them
        * Either email them to me or just bring them to the dev meeting

# Results from the last meeting

We decided to split issue #670 (Improved data loading process) into two

* Re-focus #670 on improving the loading process (not saving files)
* New issue #704 which is about saving db independent files

We also decided to give the core team slightly more powers. Members of
the core team can now approve and merge their own pull requests. We
decided that we can trust the core team members because they know the
code well. This inherently means that contributors get invited to become
core team members when they have, through their contributions, showed
that they know the code base well enough. Core team members can decide
to wait for some time for code reviews (e.g. if they want dicussion etc.)

Like before, core team is responsible for merging pull requests into master.

With code deprecation we decided that we should measure as much as we
can to see how or if old code is being used. If we decide to deprecate
code we should try to move it into it's own repo instead of keeping it
around in the main repo (causes confusion). This means slightly more
maintenance on the sysadmin end, but keeps the code base cleaner and
more inviting for new contributors.

# Old logs

We record these meetings. If you want to read the old logs of the
previous dev meetings they are available here:


Look at the .log.txt files or the .html files for the full logs (link in
.txt [not .log.txt] are incorrect).

# Time zones

14 GMT/UTC in different places:

* Los Angeles: 06:00 (6AM) - woah that's early
* New York: 09:00 (9AM)
* Rio de Janeiro 12:00 (noon)
* London: 14:00 (2PM)
* Berlin: 15:00 (3PM)
* New Delhi 19:30 (7:30PM)
* Tokyo 23:00 (11PM) - woah that's late


Tryggvi Björgvinsson

Technical Lead, OpenSpending

The Open Knowledge Foundation <http://okfn.org>

/Empowering through Open Knowledge/

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