[wdmmg-discuss] CRA 2010: description and questions

Lisa Evans lisa.evans at okfn.org
Thu Aug 12 20:40:04 UTC 2010

On Thu, 12 Aug 2010, Anna Powell-Smith wrote:
>>> We can merge them together - well, assuming that they are consistent
>>> anyway.
> Cool. Should I start doing this, or do you want to investigate the
> data any more first?

Hiya. I'm very happy for you to go ahead.
I can summarise the data though, hopefully that will help.

Table 9 and 10 have to following fields in common:
Department code
Department name
COFOG level 1
HMT Functional Classification
POG alias
ID and non ID
spending for dates 2004-05 to 2009-10

when we find a match between table 9 data and table 10 data for the fields 
above then we need to give it:

the NUTS 1 region code and spending for 2010-11 from table 9

and the 'CG LG or PC', COFOG 2 and HMT subfunction class from value from 
table 10

Then I think we will have the full detail of the spending in one line.


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