[wdmmg-discuss] Ontology and Concept Schemes for WDMMG

William Waites william.waites at okfn.org
Sun Aug 15 14:51:45 UTC 2010

 Ontology: http://purl.org/okfn/def/cra/
Structure: http://purl.org/okfn/dsd/cra/2010
Dataset:   http://purl.org/okfn/dataset/cra/2010
Entities:    http://purl.org/okfn/id/cra/entity/
COFOG:    http://purl.org/okfn/id/cra/cofog/
POGs:       http://purl.org/okfn/id/cra/pog/

The main entry point is the "Dataset" which will
have slices and links to sub-datasets...

Retrieving the RDF can be done with, e.g.

wget --header "Accept: text/n3" -O cra.n3 http://purl.org/okfn/def/cra/

The reason for using purl.org is to facilitate moving
things around, right now you'll notice the data
hosted on the ordf.org ontology service. This is
fine for small things like the links above but it
is running on a small sleepycat database that is
inappropriate for loading the actual data into. When
that is broached, things will have to move to a
proper dedicated store, but the URLs above will
remain valid and return the same content.


William Waites           <william.waites at okfn.org>
Mob: +44 789 798 9965    Open Knowledge Foundation
Fax: +44 131 464 4948                Edinburgh, UK

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