[wdmmg-discuss] A data model

William Waites wwaites at googlemail.com
Wed Feb 17 14:01:10 UTC 2010

Le 10-02-16 à 18:55, Rufus Pollock a écrit :
> <http://wiki.okfn.org/p/Where_Does_My_Money_Go/Store>

One thing that I would suggest - I thought of this in response
to Alistair's mail as well though that was so thorough that I
decided it was more of a quibble - is that the posting table
should not have an amount column. Rather it should have debit
and credit columns.

This is done in real-world accounting systems to make generation
of money in vs. money out reports possible, and to make it
possible to reverse a transaction (by making another and changing
the sign on each debit/credit). This is not possible with a
single column, though as Alistair rightly points out, de-
aggregating data down to the level where this makes a difference
is not likely to be feasible. Still, that's no reason not to
follow the established practice here.

William Waites
Email: wwaites at gmail.com
UK tel: +44 131 516 3563
UK mob: +44 789 798 9965

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