[wdmmg-discuss] Lambeth Council Corporate Financial Ledger

Richard Pope richard at memespring.co.uk
Wed Jun 9 10:09:46 UTC 2010

Thanks Lisa, good advice. I'll do a follow up asking for a list of
tables / training manuals.


On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 11:07 AM, Lisa Evans <lisa.evans at okfn.org> wrote:
> Richard,
> This is great work!
> I'm at exactly this stage with a number of councils at the moment.
> I've found that just asking for the data with reasonable redactions (e.g. I
> don't want individuals council tax payments) doesn't work -- in general the
> people who manage the system would need to devote lots of time to figuring
> out what to do.
> I suggest almost writing the queries you want for them, so I'd ask for the
> tables from the Oracle Financials and Oracle Procurement and any other part
> of the Oracle E-Business Suite that may contain the data you want (and give
> instructions for how they can obtain this). I'd ask for the training
> materials for using the system so you can really understand the system in
> the way they do. I would also offer your assistance in understanding the
> structure of the data and extracting the data, saying you would be happy to
> meet them to explain what you want in more detail and do all you can to
> help.
> Good luck and keep us updated on how this goes,
> Lisa
> As the database is Oracle e-business suite, I guess they use
> On Wed, 9 Jun 2010, Richard Pope wrote:
>> Can anyone suggest how to progress from this very prompt reply I got
>> from Lambeth Council asking for details of their spending database:
>> http://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/details_of_spending_databases
>> Which points to this system here:
>> http://www.oracle.com/us/products/applications/ebusiness/financials/index.html
>> I want to get at all payments including company details over an
>> arbitrary figure. I am not interested in individual people's pay (it
>> includes HR data which I assume means individual payments to members
>> of staff).
>> How should I ask for it?
>> Richard

richard at memespring.co.uk
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