[wdmmg-discuss] The missing £23bn

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Thu May 20 13:31:16 UTC 2010

There was an excellent question yesterday asked with the launch of the
new Dashboard as to why the new total spending figures are lower (by
23bn) than those in PESA (and hence in general use):


I've explained why in an answer to that comment:

This is an excellent question! The answer is that the new dashboard
(as of May 2010) is running off Country Regional Analysis (CRA)
dataset rather than PESA. CRA does not include the “accounting
adjustment” of £23bn (in 2008-2009) which is in PESA and which takes
you (as we understand it) from “Total Expenditure on Services” to
“Total Managed Expenditure”.


Question for us is: should we be including this accounting adjustment
figure in the bubbles somehow and thereby getting same total as PESA?
(My feeling is yes ...)


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