[wdmmg-discuss] Treasury announcement

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Mon May 24 19:40:08 UTC 2010

On 24 May 2010 15:44, Francis Irving <francis at flourish.org> wrote:
> On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 03:00:14PM +0100, Rufus Pollock wrote:
>> However, we think there is more to extract there (not exactly the
>> clearest description of cuts and not sure how to classify a "freeze"
>> -- or how to compute its exact impact compared to counterfactual of no
>> freeze).
> Is it credible to measure everything in real terms in some way?

Yes, you could. For "freezes" you could definitely get some figures
but it would be a bit of work -- you'd need to do projections based on
recent patterns and then look at what happens with the freeze.

> That will beg what measure of inflation to use though...

That's probably the least of your issues :) (unless what you mean is
the inflation rate for expenditure in that specific area -- i.e. it's
recent growth rate ...)


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