[wdmmg-discuss] Datastore, humongous edition (alpha)

Friedrich Lindenberg friedrich at pudo.org
Thu Nov 25 22:45:15 UTC 2010

Hi all, 

to give a brief update: I've now got an OK version of the datastore running on top of MongoDB at http://bitbucket.org/pudo/wdmmg (branch mongo). It still has lots of rough edges and is not (intended to be) backward compatible in all regards. In particular all /key/... and /rest/key/.. handlers are gone (soon to be replaced by /entity and /classifier). If there's a decent reason to take them back in, I'm happy to do this, of course. 

In terms of loaders, COFOG and CRA2010 are available at http://bitbucket.org/pudo/wdmmg-ext  (branch mongo). 

As for why this whole thing might not have been pointless, http://bitbucket.org/pudo/wdmmg/changeset/2151824cce09#chg-wdmmg/lib/aggregator.py_oldline183 makes a nice  point, I think. 


p.s. It seems the production aggregator performs some kind of rounding on the last two digits of the example query - is this because of cra vs. cra2010 or am I missing something more serious?

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