[wdmmg-discuss] Fwd: [sunlightlabs] Offener Haushalt: Opening Up German Governmental Finance Data
Friedrich Lindenberg
friedrich at pudo.org
Mon Oct 4 13:30:03 UTC 2010
Hi all,
just wanted to say hello. I've just subscribed and written most of offenerhaushalt, and of course I'm a big fan of wdmmg. Rufus and I have planned to sit down tomorrow to write an importer for German budget data to the backend so I'll be hassling you with internationalisation issues over the next weeks ;-)
On Oct 4, 2010, at 2:30 PM, Anna Powell-Smith wrote:
> http://bund.offenerhaushalt.de/
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Daniel Dietrich <daniel.p.dietrich at gmail.com>
> Date: 28 September 2010 21:11
> Subject: [sunlightlabs] Offener Haushalt: Opening Up German
> Governmental Finance Data
> To: Sunlight Labs <sunlightlabs at googlegroups.com>
> Hi all,
> now that infosthetics bloged about our latest tool I thought sharing
> with you would be a good idea.
> Comments and feedback very welcome!
> Best greetings
> Daniel
> Offener Haushalt: Opening Up German Governmental Finance Data
> http://infosthetics.com/archives/2010/09/offener_haushalt_opening_the_german_government_financial_data.html
> "Offener Haushalt [offenerhaushalt.de] (German for 'open budget') is
> another demonstration of the large potential behind the emerging Open
> Data phenomenon. Based on data that was harvested by the extensive
> 'screen scraping' of the website of the Bundesfinanzministerium (the
> German equivalent to the U.S. Department of the Treasury, but I simply
> had to include this word), Offener Haushalt attempts to open up
> socially relevant data to allow open and shared analysis,
> interpretation and discussion. Unfortunately, like most other European
> governments today, the German 'Bundesfinanzministerium' does not make
> open, machine-readable datasets available for download yet.
> While still in an early 'beta', the online platform allows for the
> exploration (as 'specific categories', as 'groups' or as 'functions'),
> and commenting of the acquired data in a treemap structure, while each
> detail view is stored under individual and shareable URLs. The
> original sources are clearly mentioned, while the data can be
> downloaded in JSon, RDF or XML formats. In the meantime, the
> developers are calling anyone with valuable German data to come
> forward."
> http://bund.offenerhaushalt.de/
> Tactical Tools is a start up and idea foundry for digital strategies,
> communications design and software development. We building
> data-driven participation and exploration software for political
> contexts. We're involved in the development of Adhocracy, an
> open-source cooperative policy drafting and network-based voting
> platform used by several political groups.
> Our open data efforts are centered around offenedaten.de - a
> grassroots catalogue of open government data from Germany developed in
> cooperation with OKF - and offenerhaushalt.de, the first comprehensive
> browseable visualization of the German federal budget. With
> wahlversprechen.info we launched a parliament monitoring system that
> traks election promises ofer time and so underline the idea of
> accountability as key element of open government.
> We're also engaged in a variety of community-building efforts towards
> an open data movement in Germany. We've organized and held several
> government data hack days, contributed to conferences and online
> discourse.
> http://tactical-tools.net/
> --
> Daniel Dietrich
> Tactical Tools
> Erich-Weinert-Str. 17
> D - 10439 Berlin
> Germany
> www.tactical-tools.net
> info at tactical-tools.net
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