[wdmmg-discuss] #open3rdsector wdmmg-discuss Digest, Vol 10, Issue 16

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Sun Oct 24 19:24:12 UTC 2010

On 18 October 2010 16:13, David Kane <David.Kane at ncvo-vol.org.uk> wrote:
> Thanks for pointing it out David.
> If it's possible for our cuts data to be imported into
> http://wherearethecuts.org/ then happy for that to happen. There are 614
> responses but 555 of those are from the Arts Council list, so 59 are unique.
> I'll input them manually if needed but it would be much easier if it could
> be imported automatically.

Just to update:

1. Sample spreadsheet format from Richard for automated uploading:


(I think it is probably ok to have extra columns at the end of this
sheet e.g. no amount col at the moment ...)

2. Cutdown version of your NCVO data (not yet converted into format in (1):


Next step is to get (2) into the form of (1). Spreadsheet is
world-editable so if anyone wants to help with this please dig in.

> We're hoping to have a big push of the survey post-spending review, and use
> our networks to capture what's happening to voluntary organisations, so I'll
> also promote the wherearethecuts.org at the same time.

That would be fantastic and any further data you come up with please
let us know.


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