[wdmmg-discuss] Data and Journalism Form a Powerful Combination

K Corrick kathryn.corrick at googlemail.com
Thu Sep 23 15:37:34 UTC 2010

Paul Bradshaw, of Help Me Investigate fame, has let me know that he
mentioned Where Does My Money Go? in his essay 'Data and Journalism Form a
Powerful Combination' in the IPI & Poynter Institute report: Brave New
Worlds http://www.poynter.org/column.asp?id=131&aid=190466

The report and Paul's essay are definitely worth a read if you're interested
in this area. Full report can be downloaded here (PDF)

For those less familiar with the Poynter Institute they're a school for
journalists, future journalists, and teachers of journalism based in the US
and highly regarded.

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