[wdmmg-discuss] tbilisi mayor's office

ericnbarrett at gmail.com ericnbarrett at gmail.com
Fri Apr 15 06:00:08 UTC 2011

hey all,

i wanted to share some ideas for visualizations that we want to do
with Tbilisi's
budget <http://tbilisi.gov.ge/index.php?lang_id=GEO&sec_id=174>.


i think both
http://thejit.org/static/v20/Jit/Examples/Treemap/example2.html# and
http://thejit.org/static/v20/Jit/Examples/Sunburst/example2.html are both
good and easy to understand and comprehend visualizations for the tbilisi
budget. we just heard back from the mayor and i have a meeting today to
discuss our project. basically, the goal is to simply present who we are and
what we have done, then present our project with the ultimate goal of
discussing who we need to directly interact with to get the information we

in case i haven't outlined it, our project is called TbiliCity ( a merge on
Tbilisi, the capital, and City ). this will be a place that organizes data
around five main areas:

   - the city budget;
      - city services;
      - public transportation;
      - public utilities; and
      - waste management.

the project is 12 months and is quite ambitious. it seeks to organize the
data, make it more accessible and create interactive web applications that
engage the public in a way that is useful to their needs.

we are excited about the visualizations and are seeking a non-Flash /
javascript approach. the js library is one of many around now and there is
always room to develop new ones to meet specific needs for visualizations
that are less cookie-cutter.

if y'all have any insight or ideas, let me know.

all the best,

jumpstart georgia
proj. man and it team leader
+995 95 13 92 69
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