[wdmmg-discuss] R: R: R: Italy's regional public accounts
Bertone Stefano
stefano.bertone at obspm.fr
Tue Apr 26 23:48:57 UTC 2011
Hi Lucy,
thanks for the fast reply.
Sure, a skype chat to better know the project and each other it's ok for
me : I'm usually available in the evenings, after 18h (that's when my boss
leaves, usually! ;) ).
Let me know when it's ok for you too so that we can organise, I'm looking
forward to know more!
Best wishes,
Da: Lucy Chambers <lucy.chambers at okfn.org>
A: Stefano Bertone <stefano.bertone at obspm.fr>
Cc: "wdmmg (wdmmg-discuss at lists.okfn.org)" <wdmmg-discuss at lists.okfn.org>;
De Luca Simona <simona.deluca at tesoro.it>; "friedrich.lindenberg at okfn.org"
<friedrich.lindenberg at okfn.org>
Inviato: Mar 26 aprile 2011, 15:57:01
Oggetto: Re: [wdmmg-discuss] R: R: R: Italy's regional public accounts
Hi Stefano,
Thank you very much for your interest in getting involved - it is
really exciting stuff. I am copying in Stefano Costa to this email, who is
community coordinator for OKF Italy, in order to make sure we keep
everyone in the loop.
@Steko perhaps we could coordinate a Skype chat with Stefano to see how he
could contribute?
- Stefano, does this suit and what is your availability? It would be great
to talk to you in more detail about the project!
Best wishes
On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 11:06 AM, Stefano Bertone
<stefano.bertone at obspm.fr> wrote:
> Hello everybody!
> To begin with, thanks for the great job : i really enjoyed exploring the
tons of data provided in your more than user-friendly interface!
Moreover, I
> really think making governments budget and spending available to
> is a great step towards a more perfect democracy and a good way to make
people understand why it's important for them to pay taxes (especially
> Italy...).
> I'm joining your discussion about the "Italian open spending" release to
offer my help for the data treatment for the next releases (2010-2011)
> for any need you could have at the moment or in the future. As Italian,
> particularly interested in the budget reports from my country, but I can
lend a hand anywhere.
> From your mail I understand you could enjoy some more hands and minds
> I'd be glad to contribute to such an interesting and important project.
Waiting for your kind reply, I send you my best wishes,
> Stefano Bertone
> Observatoire de Paris
> +33(0)140512211
> stefano.bertone at obspm.fr
> Le 26 avr. 11 à 07:26, De Luca Simona a écrit :
> A few days afetr we launched "Italy open spending"...many thanks to you
> (...last week was such a busy one!)!!!
> Just to complete our 48-hours work ... why don't we add a link to ckan
> we uploaded the RPA dataset as well as a link to the Regional Public
Account website (at www.dps.tesoro.it\cpt there is the italian and the
english version)?
> Just two simple steps ... waiting for our new data release (2009 will be
published in a short time and the .txt/.csv file will be downloadable!).
Thanks again!
> Simona
> ________________________________________
> Da: okfn.jonathan.gray at googlemail.com
[okfn.jonathan.gray at googlemail.com]
> per conto di Jonathan Gray [jonathan.gray at okfn.org]
> Inviato: mercoledì 20 aprile 2011 1.56
> A: wdmmg (wdmmg-discuss at lists.okfn.org)
> Cc: Pennisi Aline; De Luca Simona
> Oggetto: Re: R: [wdmmg-discuss] R: Italy's regional public accounts Well
done again to all involved in the Italian spending release today! Below
is a round up of press coverage. :-)
> J.
> Guardian (UK):
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/2011/apr/19/italy-public-spending
La Stampa (Italy):
> http://www3.lastampa.it/economia/sezioni/articolo/lstp/398705/
> http://www.lastampa.it/_web/multimedia/datablog_spesa.asp
> Wired (Italy):
> http://daily.wired.it/news/economia/2011/04/19/open-spending.html Il
Fatto Quotidiano (Italy):
> http://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2011/04/18/dati-aperti-e-trasparenza-in-convegno-a-roma/105192/
Repubblica (Italy):
> http://www.repubblica.it/tecnologia/2011/04/19/news/spesa_pubblica_e_bilanci_comunali_la_via_italiana_agli_open_data-15152320/
Il Post (Italy):
> http://www.ilpost.it/2011/04/19/grafico-spesa-pubblica-italia/
> --
> Jonathan Gray
> Community Coordinator
> The Open Knowledge Foundation
> http://blog.okfn.org
> http://twitter.com/jwyg
> http://identi.ca/jwyg
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Lucy Chambers
Community Coordinator
Open Knowledge Foundation
Skype: lucyfediachambers
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