[wdmmg-discuss] Where does Europe's money go?

Simon Rogers simon.rogers at guardian.co.uk
Thu Apr 21 07:29:13 UTC 2011

Definately interested

----- Original Message -----
From: okfn.jonathan.gray at googlemail.com <okfn.jonathan.gray at googlemail.com>
To: Where does my money go? <wdmmg-discuss at lists.okfn.org>
Cc: Lisa Evans <lisa.evans at guardian.co.uk>; Simon Rogers
<simon.rogers at guardian.co.uk>
Sent: Thu Apr 21 00:10:21 2011
Subject: Where does Europe's money go?

With recent proposals to increase EU budget by 4.9%, and criticism
from member states [1], it seems like EU spending is particularly
topical at the moment. I wonder whether it might be interesting to use
the EU budget visualisations in Open Spending [2] to do a brief
walkthrough of EU spending? E.g. even just a basic screencast with a

Lisa, Simon: just a thought - but I wonder if this is something that
you might be interested in? :-)

[1] http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-13143758
[2] http://openspending.org/dataset/eu and

Jonathan Gray

Community Coordinator
The Open Knowledge Foundation

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