[wdmmg-discuss] User flagging of spending entries

Stefan Wehrmeyer stefanwehrmeyer at gmail.com
Tue Feb 22 11:44:44 UTC 2011

Hello everybody,

I'm working with Friedrich on WDMMG (now aka OpenSpending) and we want to introduce the possibility for users to flag spending entries.
The flags would be on a page similar to this: http://openspending.org/entry/cra-y-r26608

The question is: what kind of flags (predefined tags) should we use?
Some proposal flags:
"Interesting" (too general?)
"Suspicious" (too aggressive, not fitting?)
"Overspending" (?)

Also: Do users need to login somehow or should everybody be able to flag entries?

If you opinions or better ideas, I'd love to hear them.


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