[wdmmg-discuss] Visualization of How Much Max You Pay (in the UK)

Anna Powell-Smith annapowellsmith at gmail.com
Thu Jun 9 13:07:07 UTC 2011

Nice! Particularly good at showing the impact of VAT on low incomes.


- Also interesting is total tax as a proportion of income (e.g. 40% of
income at £10k, 30% at £500k). Perhaps the large rectangle should be
income, and show tax as a proportion of that.
- Adding checkboxes for smoker/drinker/driver would make it even
better (as you have noted).
- Obviously, 'other indirect taxes' needs explaining, plus text around
how this is worked out - using overall tax take figures rather than
individual incomes. Explain why there is no change at £150k when the
50p top tax rate kicks in.


On 9 June 2011 12:49, Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org> wrote:
> With a little spare time on the train yesterday I had a go at putting
> together a visual frontend to our existing OpenSpending Tax API [1]:
>  <http://wheredoesmymoneygo.org/tax-calculator/>
> You can now just a slider to set your income and it will estimate your
> total tax. Accuracy is far from 100% esp at high incomes but this is
> based on National Statistics estimates (see Sources section on the
> page).
> It would be great to do this for other jurisdictions -- anyone up for
> digging up the data for other countries? Once we have the data coding
> a calculator is pretty easy [2].
> Rufus
> [1]: http://wiki.openspending.org/API#Tax_share
> [2]: https://bitbucket.org/okfn/wdmmg/src/885d25f99caf/wdmmg/lib/calculator.py
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