[wdmmg-discuss] Review OpenSpending.org

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Tue Mar 29 14:41:55 UTC 2011

On 29 March 2011 10:59, Ian Dickinson <ian at epimorphics.com> wrote:
> Hi Friedrich,
> Sorry this is not on the etherpad - I don't think I have a login on that
> site, and I couldn't find a way to register.

Thanks for the feedback Ian. You don't need a login -- the pad should
be open for anyone from the net to come and edit :)


> On 15/03/11 19:02, Friedrich Lindenberg wrote:
>> As you know, we've been working quite hard to get the new site,
>> http://openspending.org into a nice shape. While we're still working
>> on many aspects of a first release, it would be very helpful if many
>> of you could contribute some feedback on the site that is currently
>> online at openspending.org.
> In general, I think the site looks really good. I'm confused, though,
> what the percentage and Change +/- columns signify: what are they
> relative to? In particular, if I look at:
> http://openspending.org/classifier/cofog/04.3?_view=region
> Energy spending in Wales is 9.56% of something (overall UK budget, E&W
> only, Wales only?) and has apparently gone down by 117% which looks
> erroneous. Even if the raw number was more sensible, it's not clear to a
> new user that it's the change against the previous year (assuming that's
> correct, of course).

Very good points. I think it's supposed to be a %tage of the current
category you are looking at.


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