[wdmmg-discuss] WDMMG online community meetup Thursday 5th May 6pm UTC

Lucy Chambers lucy.chambers at okfn.org
Tue May 3 11:45:10 UTC 2011

Dear All,

The next WDMMG / OpenSpending online community meetup will take place
this Thursday, 5th May at 6pm UTC via Skype. To convert this into your
time zone, please use the guide at the bottom of the page [1].

All are welcome, so please drop in if you have any questions regarding
an OpenSpending related project that you are working on, or just to
introduce yourself and listen in!

In addition, we will be discussing how to make the instructions we
provide for getting data into OpenSpending as user friendly as
possible: Have you read our new guideline pages [2][3]? Was there
anything in there that wasn't explained/clear? We will be working on
these documents in the coming weeks and would appreciate your

If you would like to join the call, please simply add your name and
Skype ID to the pad below:




[1] 6pm UTC = 7pm UK / 2pm EST / 8pm CEST. For other timezones
[2] On how to get your data into OpenSpending:
[3] On how to format your data: http://wiki.openspending.org/Data_Format
[4] Notes from past meetings: http://wiki.openspending.org/Meetups#Past_Meetings

Lucy Chambers
Community Coordinator
Open Knowledge Foundation
Skype: lucyfediachambers

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