[OpenSpending-discuss] OpenSpending Translations

Lucy Chambers lucy.chambers at okfn.org
Mon Feb 6 12:15:31 UTC 2012

Hi All,

The OpenSpending.org team are working hard to coordinate a translation
push. Any translations completed by this *Friday, 10th February* will be
featured as language options in the next release of OpenSpending.

Please note: The software has been updated since the last release - so if
you have completed a translation in the past, there could be a few extra
bits to add before your translation is now ready to go.

If you are keen to see OpenSpending in your language, please:

* Sign up for an account on Transifex (www.transifex.net/)
* Drop me an email letting me know your username on Transifex and the
language you would like to translate into.

I will then add you to the correct team to begin or contribute to the

All the best,


Lucy Chambers
Community Coordinator
Open Knowledge Foundation
Skype: lucyfediachambers
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