[OpenSpending] article in FT on whole government accounts...
Lisa Evans
lisa.evans at okfn.org
Fri Mar 9 21:27:49 UTC 2012
Thanks for linking to this Tim.
I think it's terrible shame that articles like this are talking about the
burden of opening up data before the open data community has a chance to
explore it.
The raw data for the WGA was released in December last year in the COINS
download. But it has taken until last week to get the Treasury to release
the cash flow statements for local authorities, which make up an essential
part of WGA, but were not included in the COINs release.
I think you can see the piece without logging in to the FT here:
If anyone would like the LA cash flow just let me know and I'll email it
On Fri, 9 Mar 2012, Tim Hubbard wrote:
> There's an interesting article in FT today on whole government accounts
> http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/b43717f2-691d-11e1-9931-00144feabdc0.html
> Best wishes,
> Tim
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