[OpenSpending] Sankey Diagrams with d3

Michael Bauer michael.bauer at okfn.org
Sat Aug 3 16:03:58 UTC 2013

Hi there,

I've recently played with Sankey diagrams and found a reference to Sankey
diagrams somewhere.

Decided to implement a OpenSpending visualization app based on this:

http://mihi-tr.github.io/openspending-sankey/ (using BOOST data from

It generally works well if there are not too many categories (such as in
this example) - as for whether this is a visualization worth pursuing:
judge yourself on a per case basis.


Data Diva | skype: mihi_tr | @mihi_tr
The Open Knowledge Foundation | School of Data
http://okfn.org | http://schoolofdata.org 
GPG/PGP key: http://tentacleriot.eu/mihi.asc

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