[OpenSpending] Canadian transparency query

Michael Lenczner michael at ajah.ca
Fri Dec 20 21:48:40 UTC 2013

Hi Joseph,

We're interested in that type of data. Our company tracks spending in the
non-profit sector and municipalities show up in that environment both as
recipients and as donors. The people that we make this information
available to are mainly fundraisers and funders but also include
researchers and policy makers. The Canadian Environmental Grantmakers'
Network and the Circle on Aboriginal Philanthropy are both recent clients
who have commissioned work from us and would have been interested in that

The Canada revenue agency allows municipalities to operate in some ways as
charities, and that the data you're talking about could be combined with
data from that agency. I'm happy to discuss potential uses.

Feel free to contact us. We were in touch with PWYC Canada a couple of
years ago briefly. You might want to visit our consulting page (
http://consulting.ajah.ca/) since the company page is just about our main

Michael Lenczner
CEO, Ajah

On Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 3:38 PM, Joseph Kraus <joseph.kraus at one.org> wrote:

>  Hi all,
>  I am collaborating with the Publish What You Pay Canada coalition on the
> issue of mandatory payment disclosure transparency for the oil, gas, and
> mining sectors in Canada. The Canadian government has committed to
> implement this type of disclosure within the next two years, and is
> considering whether to require companies to disclose payments made to all
> levels of government - i.e. national, provincial, city, etc.
>  The issue of payment disclosures to city governments has been a point of
> contention for some companies, who don't believe there is a demand for such
> granular disclosure (and because they fear that this level of disclosure
> will further complicate their tenuous relationships with First Nation
> governments). I'm wondering if anyone on this list knows of any groups (or
> individuals) that might make use of this type of data, or is interested in
> the data themselves. If so, I'd appreciate hearing from you.
>  Best,
> Joe
>  Joseph Kraus | Policy Manager, Transparency & Accountability
> office: 202.495.2793 | mobile: 202.375.9922
> Join us at ONE.ORG | @ONEcampaign | Facebook.com/ONE
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