[OpenSpending] openspending.at - how to display data tables?

Vitor Baptista vitor at vitorbaptista.com
Tue Feb 26 17:52:54 UTC 2013

Hi Kabrina,

It's very cool to hear that you hacked on OpenSpending during the weekend

I'm organizing a gallery of OpenSpending's visualizations. It's not ready
yet, but you can check at:

   - Bubbletree (http://jsfiddle.net/vitorbaptista/jhaKT/)
   - AggregateTable (http://jsfiddle.net/vitorbaptista/mFVMv/)
   - Treemap (http://jsfiddle.net/vitorbaptista/RVdNt/)
   - Treetable (http://jsfiddle.net/vitorbaptista/2ryzb/)

There you can see how to create a Treetable (Treemap + AggregateTable).
Unfortunately, it's not as easy as the other widgets.

May I ask you why you decided to build openspending.at, instead of using
openspending.com? By creating another instance of OS, we're missing one of
its most powerful features: searching across all datasets (

Vítor Baptista.

2013/2/26 Krabina Bernhard <krabina at kdz.or.at>

> Hello everybody,
> the result of create camp on the Open Data Day in Vienna
> http://wiki.opendataday.org/Vienna2013 is a Austrian installation of
> openspending at http://www.openspending.at
> including first data on the cities of Graz and Salzburg.
> We are planning to announce this tomorrow, but meanwhile I have a question
> regarding the OpenSpending software:
> When I create a visualization, just the visualization is displayed, but no
> data table underneath (as you have in openspending.org). How can I get
> this data table to be displayed?
> Thank you,
> Bernhard
> --
> Mag. Bernhard Krabina
> KDZ - Zentrum für Verwaltungsforschung
> Centre for Public Administration Research
> Guglgasse 13, 1110 Wien
> Telefon: +43 1 8923492-27, Fax: +43 1 8923492-20
> Mobil:   +43 676 849579-27, Twitter: @krabina
> mailto:krabina at kdz.or.at - http://www.kdz.or.at
> - Plattform Verwaltungskooperation:
>   http://www.verwaltungskooperation.at
> - Open Government Vorgehensmodell
>   http://www.kdz.eu/de/open-government-vorgehensmodell
> KDZ News: Tag der offenen Haushalte im KDZ - 23. Februar 2013
> http://www.kdz.eu/de/opendataday
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