[OpenSpending] City Spending Party - 4 days to go!
Anders Pedersen
anders.pedersen at okfn.org
Mon Jul 15 16:32:02 UTC 2013
Hi all,
We are just four days away from the Spending Data Party - July 19th to 21st
- where the OpenSpending community gets togethers to open up spending and
budget data of cities<http://blog.openspending.org/2013/06/30/spending-data-party-announce/>
the world. As of writing cities are still getting on board for the party.
As recently as today groups in Chennai (India) and Dublin (Ireland) signed
Below you will find more information about the spending party as we are
getting closer.
*###Cities joining*
There will be activities in Kathmandu (Nepal), Kampala (Uganda), Minsk
(Belarus), Lagos (Nigeria), Kota Tangerang (Indonesia), Chennai (India),
San francisco (USA), Oakland, (USA), Rotterdam (Netherlands), Dublin,
(Ireland), Tsukuba and several other cities (Japan).
*###What will groups be doing at the Spending Data Party?*
Here are a few examples of what various groups will be up to during the
spending party:
*Wrangle and visualise budget data:* In Kathmandu, Prakash and the rest of
OKF Nepal have invited for the party with this
They will be working on the city budget of Kathmandu as well as the newly
released budget from the government of Nepal. OKF Nepal created just last
month this budget
visualisation<http://nepal.mapthemoney.org/#/~/total-budget> and
so we are looking forward to see what will happen this time!
*Hack on OpenSpending code:* OKF Japan has been taking the lead on
improving the code of the OS Satellite
have already created several issues on Github. They are however eager to
get help from you during the spending party. Let us know if you would like
to help!
OKF Japan will also continue their work to help a number of cities to set
up Where Does My Money Go? sites.
*What can you do?*
Grab some budget or spending data and begin working on it! Let the
community know what you are working on by adding it to
progress.openspending.org and let *the mailing list know* if you need help!
Can you help translate OpenSpending materials or write guides to help other
users? We have created this community
you can see what people in the community is working on in order to improve
OpenSpending. For example we would like to write a Community Starter
help local initiatives to get started with OpenSpending. (When you have
created a (free) Trello account, you can *comment* on current issues, *
create* new issues you think we should work on and *claim an issue* that
you wish to work on.)
*###Need help getting started?*
Do you need help to get started working on your data? We will host a
OpenSpending Data Clinic via GHangout on *Thursday July 18th* at 19CET / 18
BST / 13 EDT - your time
You can sign up
Interested learning more about how you can help *hack on the OpenSpending
code? *Join Hal Seki and several other OS developers from OKF Japan at a
pre-spending party Developer Hangout on *Thursday July 18th* at 11PM Tokyo
time / 4PM CET / 3PM BST / 10AM EDT - your time zone
Sign up here<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1g-PjPqFFWui7EgUeH8CaAQbM589lAQidFCMW8ezAxDM/viewform>
During the Spending Party you can reach us via #IRC freenode channel:
#openspending or via twitter @openspending or #openspending
Finally we will set up a GHangout during the Spending Party on Saturday
July 20th for everyone participating in the spending party. Thanks to
Hiroichi at OKF Japan for assisting arranging this!
Looking forward to this. Get in touch if you have questions or need help
getting set up!
Anders Pedersen
Community Coordinator | skype: anpehej | @anpe <https://twitter.com/>
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