[OpenSpending] Fwd: [ninjas] IMF Fiscal Transparency Code: comment sought

Jonathan Gray jonathan.gray at okfn.org
Tue Jul 30 07:51:51 UTC 2013

Any suggestions for what the OKF/OpenSpending should say in response to
this consultation are very welcome!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Chye-Ching Huang <cc.huang at auckland.ac.nz>
Date: 30 July 2013 01:51
Subject: [ninjas] IMF Fiscal Transparency Code: comment sought
To: "ninja-talk at groups.open.org.nz" <ninja-talk at groups.open.org.nz>

The IMF has asked for comment on its draft revision to its Fiscal
Transparency Code (last updated 2007):

Unfortunately the draft Fiscal Transparency Code does not state that budget
data should if possible be machine readable (or even internet accessible).
If you think that omission should be rectified, you might want to:

  *   Give feedback to the IMF by 30 August:
 (TLDR: comment by email to IMFConsultation at imf.org<mailto:
IMFConsultation at imf.org>.)

  *   Let other open data types (particularly those in other countries)

  *   Help me! I'm going to try to include some some suggested draft
language on machine readability/internet access etc. in my comment to the
IMF.  This includes considering what standards might be considered "basic",
"good", and "advanced". Please email me if you're interested in helping me
draft, or let me know if there are others already working on this and what
I can do to help.

(Note that even if comments about machine readable data don't make the
final Fiscal Transparency Code, they might influence the brick of a manual
http://www.imf.org/external/np/pp/2007/eng/101907m.pdf that accompanies the
Code and that will also presumably be updated.)

Kind regards,


Full text of this topic in The Open Government Ninjas:

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Jonathan Gray

Director of Policy and Ideas  | *@jwyg <https://twitter.com/jwyg>*

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