[OpenSpending] Russian public spending developers contest

Ivan Begtin ibegtin at gmail.com
Wed Feb 26 11:14:33 UTC 2014

Hi all!

A month ago we finished Russian public spending monitoing project
"Clearspending" http://clearspending.ru . It's not-for-profit open project.
We have database of about 9 000 000 government and local contracts and
haundreds of thousands of government bodies and suppliers.

The most useful feature is open API
http://clearspending.ru/page/for-developers/ and all available data
available via REST+JSON API.

Right now we have not so much resources to implement all what could be done
and we try to collect so much data as possible and we extract datasets of
state enterprises contracts and government grants.

But we launched developers contest http://clearspending.ru/contest/ with
prize fund 300 000 roubles (about 8 000 USD) for projects that could reuse
this data to create mobile applications or web projects.

Russian government contracts data is not so simple to map it to
OpenSpending, but any help with integration with OpenSpending project will
be very helpful

 Best Regards,
   Ivan Begtin

Director of NGO "Informational Culture"
email: ibegtin at infoculture.ru
phone: +7 499 500 96 58, +7 910 426 68 83
website: http://infoculture.ru
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