[OpenSpending] Moving discussion to http://discuss.okfn.org

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Sat Mar 21 18:08:42 UTC 2015

On 21 March 2015 at 16:33, Tryggvi Björgvinsson <
tryggvi.bjorgvinsson at okfn.org> wrote:

>  I'm actually opposed to this.
> In my mind, OpenSpending is separate from Open Knowledge, even if Open
> Knowledge is the initiator and currently the biggest supporter of the
> project and provides all of the infrastructure. I would like others to be
> able to support OpenSpending as much (or even more).

No disagreement on key point that OpenSpending has multiple stakeholders -
however, think that does not necessarily imply anything here.

I know the email list is at an @lists.okfn.org address, but I still feel
> that it's a more independent approach to continue to use the mailing list
> than having the discussion take place in a special category on an Open
> Knowledge discussion forum. In my mind, we'd make the project even more
> dependent on Open Knowledge than it has to be.

I think we can see the discourse forum and the mailman lists as pretty
analogous here. In both cases you have someone someone hosting the site /
infrastructure and that does not imply something big about the specific
project. If this really became an issue in the future I'm sure we could
find a migration path.

If we proceed on that assumption, then the question is what is the best
infrastructure for supporting the community, especially *near-term* (i.e.
the next year or so). Mailman is increasingly aging (as are mailing lists
generally), and Discourse seems a great, easier to use and manage
alternative. To spell out some advantages of Discourse over mailman:

- Easy to deploy and manage
- A decent (good) management UK
- Very easy for less tech/geeky users to sign up for, use etc (mailman has
a real issue now with sign up messages getting spammed etc. one user
recently on mailman did not realize their messages had got rejected /
discarded as they posted from a non-signed up address)
- Better threading / topic management
- A web UI
- Topic archiving / locking
- A decent API
- Increasing number of integrations


> This might be weird coming from me, but this is my personal opinion
> (disclaimer: I work for Open Knowledge).
> /Tryggvi
> On lau 21.mar 2015 13:29, Rufus Pollock wrote:
> I strongly second this suggestion.
>  What do others think?
>  Rufus
> On 8 March 2015 at 12:52, Paul Walsh <paulywalsh at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>  Open Knowledge has a discourse instance running for discussions. How
>> about moving this list onto there, so we do not need to follow multiple
>> sources of information?
>>  Here is the Open Spending category:
>> http://discuss.okfn.org/category/openspending
>>  Any thoughts on this?
>>  Paul
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