[Os-datawrangling] [OpenSpending] Fwd: Public money quizzes for OpenSpending.org?
Anders Pedersen
anders.pedersen at okfn.org
Sat Aug 31 22:02:50 UTC 2013
Karen, Steve, all,
Thanks a lot for the input on the quizzes. I am moving this discussion to
the datawrangling list as I think there should be potential for working on
this in the News Editor or Data Wrangling teams.
@Karen: Could these quizzes be combined with the project you have started
in this ticket on
create content for a financial journalism workshop?
All, if you have ideas for content for the workshop or the quizzes, pitch
in :-)
Great work all,
On 30 August 2013 22:05, K. Brzezinska <kfbrzezinska at gmail.com> wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Steve Adcock <gsaintheusa at gmail.com>
> Date: Sat, Aug 31, 2013 at 4:13 AM
> Subject: Re: [OpenSpending] Public money quizzes for OpenSpending.org?
> To: "K. Brzezinska" <kfbrzezinska at gmail.com>
> Hi K
> Outstanding. I look forward to a learning experience with you.
> To my way of thinking, the ill side effects of energy production are more
> often a result of the greed with which we use them than the products
> themselves.
> If we can't make it work with 7 billion people, how will we with 12?
> We use a lot of energy and cheap energy equals a "higher" standard of
> living. Change the definition of "higher" and change the world.[?]
> Cheers, Steve
> On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 12:24 PM, K. Brzezinska <kfbrzezinska at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hello Steve,
>> To be clear, my background is journalism and political science, and of
>> the topics on which I focused whilst working at financial news services,
>> one was markets for refined petroleum products. That was an extension of my
>> original task, following companies involved in such markets (namely
>> Shell/Royal Dutch, but also those involved in dredging and such). It was an
>> instructive and sobering experience, and one I"m glad I had- I still have
>> my copy of 'Refining In Layperson's Terms'. Perhaps when things develop a
>> bit further our collective knowledge bases will prove mutually beneficial
>> of OKFN.
>> cheers, K.
>> On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 7:59 PM, Steve Adcock <gsaintheusa at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Thanks K.
>>> I see your background is petroleum and energy. So is mine. You can find
>>> my profile on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/pub/steve-adcock/2/a01/aa7/
>>> Please send me further information about your background in our industry.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Steve
>>> Regards,
>>> Steve Adcock
>>> On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 11:57 AM, K. Brzezinska <kfbrzezinska at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> I think quizzes are always appealing to a certain segment of the
>>>> population. (I personally was totally absorbed by the Christian Science
>>>> Monitor's US citizenship test.) I would be happy to contribute to a monthly
>>>> contest, and initially would like to focus on providing info abt the topics
>>>> I'm most adept with: petroleum (could be subsidies for development or ...)
>>>> and other energy, government subsidies to companies, or some other topics
>>>> hammered out to fit a specific theme. Not yet adept enough at the technical
>>>> side, but would happily contribute my undying hunger for info.
>>>> Will think this week about where I'd look for info about such topics.
>>>> Especially the petroleum industry is full of info (and secrets!).
>>>> cheers, K.
>>>> On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 5:27 PM, Jonathan Gray <jonathan.gray at okfn.org>wrote:
>>>>> To engage more people around the OpenSpending project and to increase
>>>>> literacy around public finance, have we ever thought about doing simple
>>>>> quizzes about different aspects of public expenditure and revenue?
>>>>> E.g. you could have questions like:
>>>>> * "In the [financial year X] which are did
>>>>> [national/regional/local/departmental government entity Y] spend most on?
>>>>> spending category A, B, or C?"
>>>>> * "Which of the following countries spends most on [spending
>>>>> category A] per capita? country X, country Y, country Z"
>>>>> * "How much does [company X] get from [government Y]? €Ak, €Bk, €Ck"
>>>>> Followed by nice simple visualisations showing relative spending on
>>>>> each category, perhaps with some context and links to relevant data items
>>>>> on OpenSpending.
>>>>> What do people think?
>>>>> --
>>>>> Jonathan Gray
>>>>> Director of Policy and Ideas | *@jwyg <https://twitter.com/jwyg>*
>>>>> The Open Knowledge Foundation <http://okfn.org/>
>>>>> *
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>>>>> *
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Anders Pedersen
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