[Os-datawrangling] Question about creating a model on OpenSpending

Victoria Vlad victoriavlad at expert-grup.org
Wed Aug 7 13:00:58 UTC 2013

Oh, I forgot to mention, I still hope I will find someone to help *a bit *with
the uploading of new BOOST data (2011 - 2012) - I have it in English now.

Also, I would like to upload BOOST data for 2008  - 2012 in Romanian.

So I will basically ask some questions :) I promise not to burden anyone
with all the 100 megabites excel file ^)^

Thank you!


On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 3:56 PM, Victoria Vlad
<victoriavlad at expert-grup.org>wrote:

> Dear Friedrich,
> That is what I am talking about, I knew I did something wrong somewhere :D
> Thank you!
> Victoria
> On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 3:54 PM, Friedrich Lindenberg <friedrich at pudo.org>wrote:
>> Victoria,
>> it looks like you may have linked to an HTML document instead of the
>> actual CSV file. If you point it straight at the CSV data, everything
>> should work fine!
>> - Friedrich
>> On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 2:43 PM, Victoria Vlad <
>> victoriavlad at expert-grup.org> wrote:
>>> Hi, Anders, all,
>>> Thank you for your message. Compared with previous sets of data (such as
>>> BOOST 2005-2010 for Moldova), data that I was trying to upload yesterday is
>>> minuscule (451 rows by 9 columns). I formatted it wrong probably, because
>>> columns won't show up when I try to model the data.
>>> Help would be much appreciated.
>>> Best,
>>> Victoria Vlad
>>> Economist, Public Sector: Economy, Management and Finance
>>> E-mail: victoriavlad at expert-grup.org
>>> Phone: +373 22 929 994
>>> Web: expert-grup.org
>>> On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 3:24 PM, Anders Pedersen <
>>> anders.pedersen at okfn.org> wrote:
>>>> Hi Victoria, all,
>>>> Thanks for sharing this. I simply wanted to add that this project could
>>>> be great shoe in for any Data Wrangler who would like to try out working
>>>> with larger datasets of high granular budget data.
>>>> I would be thrilled to see this materialize with the Data Wrangling
>>>> team!
>>>> Best,
>>>> Anders
>>>> On 6 August 2013 10:07, Victoria Vlad <victoriavlad at expert-grup.org>wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I just want to ask a quick question: I've cleaned some data on
>>>>> education and uploaded it on datahub and os. However, when I want to create
>>>>> the model and add a dimension, it does not show me any columns to select.
>>>>> link for data:
>>>>> http://datahub.io/dataset/cheltuielile-consiliului-municipal-chisinau-pe-educatie
>>>>> error on OS:
>>>>>  We found these columns in the CSV file:
>>>>>    - <!DOCTYPE html>
>>>>> I suppose I formated the CSV file wrong?
>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>> Victoria Vlad
>>>>> Economist, Public Sector: Economy, Management and Finance
>>>>> E-mail: victoriavlad at expert-grup.org
>>>>> Phone: +373 22 929 994
>>>>> Web: expert-grup.org
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