[p4od] Welcome to the Partnership for Open Data mailing list - Please introduce yourself!

Marieke Guy marieke.guy at okfn.org
Wed May 28 15:23:04 UTC 2014

Thanks Daniela,

I'm Marieke Guy and I'm also from Open Knowledge - though I'm based in 
Cirencester in the UK. I work on the LinkedUp Project 
<http://linkedup-project.eu> pushing forward the exploitation of public, 
open data available on the Web, in particular by educational 
institutions and organizations. I also co-ordinate the Open Education 
Working Group <http://education.okfn.org>. In the group we bring 
together people and groups interested in open education, the groups goal 
is to initiate global cross-sector and cross-domain activity that 
encompasses the various facets of open education.

We recently ran a workshop on behalf of the working group and the 
project called Making it Matter: Supporting education in the developing 
world through open and linked data 
<http://linkedup-project.eu/making-it-matter-workshop/>. The workshop 
uncovered a number of real world problems 
related to education in the developing world that could potentially be 
solved by data and technology solutions. I'm interested in finding out 
more about how the working group and the project can start unpicking 
these problems and building partnerships that lead to eventual solutions.

My background is information management working on areas including 
research data management, digital preservation, digitisation and 
cultural heritage archiving.


On 28/05/2014 11:58, Daniela Mattern wrote:
> Hey all!
> we created this mailing list in order to discuss the activities of the 
> Partnership for Open Data and how the Partnership can help to build 
> sustainable open data ecosystems in developing countries.
> My name is Daniela and I am the project manager for Partnership for 
> Open Data at Open Knowledge. I will soon share what we have so far 
> about the Partnership so that we can start the discussion.
> *Today I am writing to ask you to briefly introduce yourself.
> *
> *It would be great if you shared a bit about your background, where 
> you are currently living, what is your interest in Open Data and how 
> you think the Partnership for Open Data should work in developing 
> countries.
> *
> I will start :)
> I am Daniela, I joined Open Knowledge in London in February. Before 
> this I have been working for 11 years in Brazil - at first 7 years 
> with leadership training and advocacy work in a slum and then 4 years 
> with Open Data and Technology. I have been mainly working with 
> geospacial data and collaborative mapping - we created a tool for 
> this: http://maps.mootiro.org and are currently building a new version 
> of it - the idea is to have an open repository for geospacial data 
> with API and collaborative editing. I am passionate about freedom of 
> information requests and how to use them in advocacy work - mostly I 
> have worked with urban housing movements and also sustainable 
> transport. The other questions I am looking for an answer is "how to 
> engage low income communities - young people and community leaders 
> from slums - with the open data movement" and "how to achieve real 
> change for people in low income communities with open data".
> Looking forward to having your introduction.
> Daniela
> -- 
> Daniela Mattern
> Open Data Project Manager | skype: e1aste2000
> *
> *Open Knowledge Foundation* <http://okfn.org>
> **
> *See how data can change the world*
> *
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Marieke Guy
LinkedUp <http://linkedup-project.eu/> Project Community Coordinator | 
skype: mariekeguy | tel: 44 (0) 1285 885681 | @mariekeguy 
The Open Knowledge <http://okfn.org/>
/Empowering through Open Knowledge/
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