[pdb-discuss] stuff to do

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Sat Jun 24 18:30:37 UTC 2006

With the wiki prototype now up we have something to aim at and there is 
so much to be improved. Just off the top of my head we have:

0. use uuid for ids for all db objects
1. Need an is_public_domain flag (!!)
2. We need to integrate data from composers.txt:
   * http://project.knowledgeforge.net/pdw/svn/trunk/data/
   * Nathan has made significant progress on parsing this file but it 
isn't yet integrated into the db/wiki.
3. Lots of performers names have a bunch of other stuff integrated such 
as birth/death dates, nationality. This needs to be parsed out.
4. Need to extract more data from the british library site

These probably should be entered into the trac system so we can keep 
track of things properly.



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