[pdb-discuss] Brief update from iSummit

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Tue Jun 27 20:55:53 UTC 2006

Did you actually get a chance to demo the prototype 'wiki' version of 
the db? If so what was the feedback?


Tom Chance wrote:
> Ahoy,
> The talk went down well, people were impressed and interested in what we were 
> doing. Everyone was talking about open content and PD registries, and I heard 
> about lots of other PD digitisation projects, specifically in the 
> Netherlands, Canada, Chile, Italy and Australia.
> Some thoughts that I took away:
> 1. We should talk to these other projects more about collaboration. For 
> example an ideal end point would be a global registry (people and works with 
> files) with localised (to jurisdiction) frontends (PD or not PD). It would be 
> silly to duplicate work if it's practical to avoid doing so. The 
> collaboration could be anything from documenting our work to sharing 
> codebases to sharing the registry database to applying for funding together. 
> It would make a lot of sense to at least create a hub (wiki page and/or 
> mailing list) through iCommons so people doing public domain projects can 
> keep in touch and discuss this further.
> 2. Our wiki is already serving as a very nice documentation resource, ala "how 
> does one set-up a PD digitisation project?" so we should keep that work up.
> 3. It sold best when I strongly linked PD Burn, Open Shakespeare and the 
> possible history project together. You get four complementary aims that way:
> - a registry for determining PD status
> - copies of works
> - tools to make innovative use of works
> - a huge demonstration of the value of the PD
> 4. Following on from 1 and 3, the value of the projects making use of the PD 
> is that they provide a localised or indigenous or whathaveyou angle on an 
> otherwise homogenising global PD. There's no harm in a global registry, but 
> there's great value in celebrating the strength and diversity of works 
> originally created in the UK, for example.
> That's about it, I think. The main thing right now, aside from the great 
> ongoing work, is to act on item 1.
> Regards,
> Tom

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