[pdb-discuss] Re: Writing a grant proposal for the public domain works db

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Fri May 26 13:39:14 UTC 2006

Tim Cowlishaw wrote:
>     PS: we should produce this first version as a plain text (we can convert
>     to something glossy pdf/word ... later if necessary) 
> page on the wiki perhaps?

yes though i often find email easier at the 'alpha' stage -- so either 
post to the list or post to the wiki and then notify the list

> Also, I've been looking at the AHRC website... waht category does this 
> research fall under. AS it isn't a Doctoral / MRes project for anyone, 
> I'm assuming it comes under 'Knowledge Transfer Schemes'  - 
> http://www.ahrb.ac.uk/about/ke/knowledge/knowledge_activities.asp
> Is this correct? It'd be good to be able to find out what specific 
> information they're after. would they want a budget, or atleast a rough 
> suggestion of numbers? otherwise, I''m assuming that I'm essentially 
> writing an academic paper on the benefits of the pdb project. Is this 
> the case?

For the first version I wouldn't worry too much about the AHRC angle but 
instead focus on a simple two pager that we can send to Vera. We can 
always extend and beef this up later as needed. In particular we do 
*not* need a budget in this first version just an overview of the issue 
and what we propose to build (i.e. a prototype web application and db).



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