[pdb-discuss] Data from the BBC Archives

rob at robmyers.org rob at robmyers.org
Tue Nov 21 13:44:52 UTC 2006

Quoting Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org>:

> Thanks to the efforts of few stalwart individuals in the BBC Archives 
> we have been given a CDs worth of catalogue data in order to 
> 'evaluate its usefulness'. As there is rather a lot of data and it is 
> in a rather baroque format I haven't uploaded it yet. I've included a 
> sample below and am working on gettting more details of the format so 
> that we can parse the data. If we can get the information this may be 
> an extremely useful source.

That's brilliant! And the data looks like a good opportunity for 
someone to use
their Perl skills in the name of good. ;-)

Incidentally, I'm giving a talk about FC-UK at FAVE on Saturday so I'll be
plugging pd-burn. Do we have all the 1900 data entered yet or should I 
call for
volunteers to do stuff next week?

- Rob.

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