[pdb-discuss] Web-app demo running

Yves Raimond yves.raimond at gmail.com
Fri Aug 10 10:20:38 UTC 2007


> >> 2. Write code to dump whatever data we have into wikibiblio (again just
> >> needs details of the upload API or dump format you require).
> >
> > Yes, a good generic rdf dumper and importer would be brilliant...
> If you have got a web api this is probably secondary but I wonder if
> Yves (onlist and in cc) would be interested in having a go. Again more
> details of the sql structure would be useful -- could you provide a link
> to your create_db.sql file?

Yes, we are currently planning on this - we will create a simple
python interface for MO (handling things such as perf = Performance()
perf.performer = Person('Glenn Gould') , this sort of things). The
project will be hosted within the motools sf project
(https://sourceforge.net/projects/motools) and will be available under
a BSD license.

I hope we have something by beginning of september - is that ok?


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