[pdb-discuss] Somewhere to start

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Fri Jul 6 15:29:01 UTC 2007

Dear James,

It's great to hear from you and that you might be interested in getting 
involved on the public domain works coding side of things. Our main task 
at present is to get some kind of db in place along with associated web 
interface that would allow us to start managing the data we have on 
composers and recordings. Our long-term plan is to plug in to 
musicbrainz database rather than run our own.

Our code is kept in a svn repository here:


There is also a trac installation if you'd like to browse the code:


I've just started work on a the web frontend using the pylons python web 
framework (http://www.pylonshq.com/) plus elixir. Current work is in the 
pdw.www package:


First thing would be to create the basic domain model and then load what 
date we currently have into it. Any questions or queries you have please 
just post back here.



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