[pd-discuss] copies of works and status of Tulane software

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Fri Apr 2 10:42:21 UTC 2010

On 1 April 2010 15:31, Justin Levy <jlevy5 at tulane.edu> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I apologize for the delay ... I'm just follow up on two points discussed in
> the last Skype meeting:
> 1) Rufus - perhaps more research should be done on which jurisdictions
> provide protection on copies of original works so that we can identify which
> copies of pd works can be used freely.

I think this would be a very interesting side project. Our existing
research on this are in the FAQ prepared as part of our old public
domain works guide to copyright and the public domain:


> 2) As an update on our status at Tulane - we've mostly completed US law and
> will begin looking for for partners to help us with US records and an
> advisory board for support as we start testing the tool more intensively.
> John, please get in touch if you'd like to discuss further.

Great to hear Justin. We'd love to integrate the US tool into the API
we now have working:


We already have basic support for the US jurisdiction but I am sure
our current calculator is not as sophisticated as yours :)

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