[pd-discuss] how to start a country PD calculator

Maarten Zeinstra mz at kl.nl
Mon Dec 13 13:56:44 UTC 2010

Hi Carolina,

I am a developer for Europeana's[1] open source Public Domain Calculator. This work has a common start with the OKFN's implementation for publicdomainworks.net We also intend to bring the two calculators together in the future.
For Europeana we research all European Jurisdictions and Iceland, we hope to be done by june 2011. Our code is open source and can be found using this link [2]. If you have a developer on your end you can have a look at this code.

Unfortunately we are restricted by Europeana's project milestones and cannot release some of our research data until we can publish it for Europeana.

I've also made an import tool for an open source Flowchart program called yEd[3]. I will be able to make a flowchart website tool for you, if you use the Flowchart tools within that yEd program and restrict yourself to diamond and box shape figures. 

For inspirational, although outdated, flowcharts you can look here[4].

Jonathan Gray and Rufus Pollock from the OKFN are the people to contact if you want to go more in the direct of publicdomainworks.net. 

I hope this answers your question, if you have any other question don't hesitate to put them on this list.

Maarten Zeinstra
Kennisland | Knowledgeland 

T: +31.20.575.6720 | M: + | S: mzeinstra
www.kennisland.nl | www.knowledgeland.org
[1] Europeana is a search platform for digitized culture heritage across the European Union.
[2] http://europeanalabs.eu/browser/contrib/kennisland/PublicDomainHelperTool
[3] http://www.yworks.com/en/
[4] http://wiki.okfn.org/PublicDomainCalculators#Calculators

On Dec 10, 2010, at 13:18 , carolina botero wrote:

> I am Carolina Botero, I am a Colombian Lawyer CC coleader in my country and working for a Foundation especially on IP issues related to education
> I have done some research on PD in Colombia during the 20th century and already have some information that could work for a calculator according to our legislation, while I have done this for specific projects there seems to be some interest from some institutions to do it on a general basis I just hope I can put together everything to take it to safe port
> Anyway, i will like to receive some advise from you about how is the project going?. how could we join the project? how should I proceed to do this on standard basis that will ease the process?, what kind of information do you need from us?, metadata? format? do you have examples or instructios? etc.
> Hope to hear from you soon
> Carolina
> -- 
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