[pd-discuss] [website] listings and api

acracia acracia at riseup.net
Thu Mar 18 14:56:22 UTC 2010

Hello list:

My name is Tatiana and I've been working these days in the public domain
works website, mainly getting used to the code, tidying up the API, and
improving the information in the listings the website gives.


About the listings, there is still a lot of information we can add to
the interface.

By now we've added icons (... anybody wants to design some
Yes/No/Uncertain icons?..) to indicate public domain status to works and
persons in the listings, and number of works/items to persons. you can
see an example here:



The API calculators have been connected to the web interface, check out
http://www.publicdomainworks.net/api/pd or
http://wiki.okfn.org/PublicDomainCalculators/Api for more info


"20110101","jurisdiction":"uk","work": {"title": "Collected Papers on
the Public Domain (ed)", "type": "text","date" :
"19030101","creation_date" : "19030101","persons" : [{"name" : "Boyle,
James", "type" : "person","birth_date" : "18490101","death_date" :
"None","country": "uk"}]}}

    "work": {
      "date": "19030101",
      "persons": [
          "birth_date": "18490101",
          "country": "uk",
          "death_date": "None",
          "type": "person",
          "name": "Boyle, James"
      "creation_date": "19030101",
      "type": "text",
      "title": "Collected Papers on the Public Domain (ed)"
    "jurisdiction": "uk",
    "when": "20110101"

well that's it for now, please share your thoughts!


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