[pd-discuss] Using an intermediate language for pdcalc proposal

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Thu Mar 10 13:29:13 UTC 2011

On 10 March 2011 11:13, Maarten Zeinstra <mz at kl.nl> wrote:

> @rufus: As a software developer I like to put as little data in an algorithm
> as possible. Data is usually not as static as algorithm, separating the two
> layers greatly increases maintainability of these tools.

Not sure I understand what you mean by data. Any algorithm whether
written in python or otherwise is going to take inputs (such as author
info, work info) but perhaps you mean by data config variables like
how long copyright lasts for a certain type of work (e.g. life + 70
for texts in the UK)?



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