[pd-discuss] Activities for Public Domain Day 2013

Primavera De Filippi primavera.defilippi at okfn.org
Fri Dec 21 04:59:34 UTC 2012

Hi Samuel,
let's talk to you about this !
I am available to chat any time today - starting from now  :)
with creative commons and wikimedia france, we were also thinking to make
some kind of multimedia file made up of a remix/mash-up of works entering
into the pd this year, not sure if you're interested in such an initiative
but would be nice to work together on this   :)
shall we set up a time for skype?
my handle is "thisk0"

On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 12:10 AM, Samuel Klein <meta.sj at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks!
> Yes, I meant tonight/tomorrow starting roughly now :)
> My thoughts: let's iterate on the total PDD bundle.
> ========== v 0.1  =============
> = Hook ==
> http://publicdomainreview.org/2012/12/11/class-of-2013/
> =Creator List=
> Franz Boas
> B. Malinowski
> L M Montgomery
> Robert Musil
> Eric Ravilious
> Bruno Schulz
> Edith Stein
> A E Waite
> Grant Wood
> F. Younghusband
> Stefan Zweig
> = Work List =
> ??? [TBD]
> = Torrent file =
> ??? [Requires work list]
> ==========  ~  ~  ~  =============
> To finish this version, we need a list of works, and a torrent.  And then
> an update to the original post with those.
> For v.2, we should include works from the 41 authors on the next-lager
> list, and the names and metadata for the 500 from Tom and Adrian's author
> query.  And perhaps someone can start working on actually posting and
> digitizing/ocr'ing the work of the initial 11.
> For v.3, we should include the names of the larger list of notable people
> who died in 1942 (again: the relevant data is both the fact that they died,
>  pointers to where their work may be collected, and an indication of the
> country in which we should be looking at copyright law)
> If we can get to at least v.2 this year, that would be awesome.
> As Maarten rightly points out:  "every notable person on Wikipedia
> probably created something copyright protected. "
> True.  And many more.   What we need for this and future years is an open
> system where anyone who loves the public domain can think hard about
> whether they know someone who should be added to that year's spreadsheet --
> or add them to the appropriate year's spreadsheet over the coming decade
>  -- and can start identifying their full list of works and where those
> works are physically & digitally located.
> SJ
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