[Product] 'API' has been assigned to katelyn.rogers

Katelyn Rogers katelyn.rogers at okfn.org
Mon Nov 4 09:56:54 UTC 2013

Hi Darren,

I have cc'd the product mailing list and Philippe Plagnol (founder of
Product Open Data).

I am very pleased to here that you are using the Open Product Database for
your dissertation and project. I would love to here more about what you are
doing, these are the applications we are hoping to enable with the database
and so its great to see this happening. I will let Phillippe and others in
the group respond to your API question (although the short answer is, no we
don't have one and would like to develop one).

The project is now on Github <https://github.com/okfn/product-browser-web> and
you can join the mailing
list<http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/product> if
you have any further questions or would like to contribute to the

Please share your results and if you'd like to write about your experience,
I would be happy to post it on our blog! Again, I am very pleased to here
that you are using the database!

All the best,

 Dear Friends:
> I am currently working on a dissertation for my Masters of Science Degree
> in Information Systems Management.  My dissertation is the development of a
> discussion framework about how Information Communications Technologies can
> be used to address income inequality.
> For part of my project I have developed an Android Application that scans
> in an EAN and returns to the user information about the manufacturer and
> retailer.  Specifically their net profits, the executive and their
> compensation, the number of employees and their average compensation.  As
> well as the multiple of the highest compensated Executive is versus what
> the average employee earns.  Users are then asked to take a survey
> constructed to measure if that information influenced their purchasing
> decision in the present, or likely to influence their preference in the
> future.
> The point of the application and survey is to assess to what degree
> consumers purchasing behaviour is influenced by their having knowledge -
> at, or near the time of purchase, of how their purchase is contributing to
> income inequality.
> I have taken the liberty of using the data from Product Open Data - thank
> you!
> However, I was wondering if you have, or are planning on developing an
> api?
> Additionally if you have any interest in the results, or advice to give, I
> would be willing to both provide and receive.
> Sincerely,
> Darren Gudmundson


Katelyn Rogers

Working Groups Community Manager  | katelyn.rogers at okfn.org
<https://twitter.com/joebloggs> |
Skype: katelynjrogers

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