[School-of-data] Announcing the Kick-Off sprint!

Jane Park janepark at creativecommons.org
Thu May 17 18:30:20 UTC 2012

Hi everyone,

I'm Jane at Creative Commons -- with the obvious interest in helping
to design challenges and educational materials around sharing data and
open data - so open tools/licenses used for these purposes, including
platforms where you can employ these tools, best practices, case
studies, etc.


On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 10:31 AM, Rosamaria Bitetti
<rosamaria.bitetti at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Laura - and everybody else!
> Like Joao, I have a background in law and economics, my expertise is policy
> analysis, especially in ICT sectors. We are both involved in the open
> economics working group.
> [small advertisement: check out our latest project! italia.yourtopia.net]
> I'm here mostly to learn, but if you see any use for my (quite limited)
> knowledge, let me know!
> Rosamaria
> On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 4:21 PM, Laura Newman <laura.newman at okfn.org> wrote:
>> Hi Joao,
>> Thank you for getting in touch - and thanks for getting the ball rolling
>> on the School of Data mailing list :)
>> It sounds like you have a very interesting background, and we would love
>> to have your involvement in the School of Data in future. Your point about
>> time is well taken, and we will certainly consider including e.g. a Saturday
>> in any workshops and sprints we plan for the future.
>> I wonder if you would also be interested in our working group on open
>> economics (http://openeconomics.net/)? Shout off-list if so and I will make
>> some introductions!
>> Thanks again for your positive words and we hope to hear from you again in
>> future!
>> Cheers,
>> Laura
>> On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 2:22 PM, João Pedro Cruz
>> <cruz.joaopedro at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear Laura,
>>> I am very interested and excited about the School of Data and I would
>>> like to take part from it. My background is Intellectual Property and
>>> Competition law and economics. I have some theoretical background on
>>> collaborative economics and community development.
>>> I would love to participate in your events but due to my work I won't be
>>> able do to so... I hope that in the future you could schedule some of the
>>> meetings to the weekend so that I could take part on it.
>>> Anyways, it is great to hear that the School of Data is about to
>>> kick-off. I am very excited about this project.
>>> Greetings,
>>> João Pedro Cruz
>>> 2012/5/17 Laura Newman <laura.newman at okfn.org>
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Many thanks for waiting so patiently for news about the School of Data.
>>>> Things were quiet initially whilst we waited for funding confirmation, but I
>>>> am now delighted to announce that the School of Data will be co-supported by
>>>> both Open Society Foundations and the Shuttleworth Foundation. Many thanks
>>>> to OSF and Shuttleworth for making this possible!
>>>> Particular thanks also to those of you have volunteered to build
>>>> learning challenges, to mentor courses, to offer interesting datasets and
>>>> resources, or who have shown an interest in joining the collaboration. This
>>>> is your chance to get involved!
>>>> Please do drop an email to this list to share your interests and ideas.
>>>> We would be particularly delighted to welcome you to our virtual sprint next
>>>> week!
>>>> ## School of Data kick-off sprint
>>>> Next week, we will be holding a School of Data kick-off sprint. This
>>>> will be a hands on workshop to share ideas, source materials, and start
>>>> building content for the school.
>>>> On the afternoon of Thursday 24th May, we will be holding a designated
>>>> online sprint. This will take place on IRC (#schoolofdata on freenode) from
>>>> 12-4pm UTC. All are welcome!
>>>> Sign-up on the etherpad:
>>>> http://schoolofdata.okfnpad.org/kick-off-sign-up
>>>> On the day, we particularly welcome:
>>>> * Suggestions for content and courses
>>>> * Recommendations (or donations!) of high quality, openly licensed
>>>> materials and resources, including interesting datasets to work with
>>>> * Offers to build a specific learning challenge or track
>>>> * 'Testers' willing to try out and improve the content available so far
>>>> If you can't join us at the designated time, please do feel to drop into
>>>> the IRC room at other times - we will try to ensure someone is in there
>>>> whenever possible. Additionally, please do feel free to use this list
>>>> (school-of-data at lists.okfn.org) to begin sharing ideas and resources.
>>>> ## Social Evening
>>>> If you happen to be near Berlin, come along for our social evening!
>>>> Following the virtual sprint, we will be meeting in Oberholz at 7pm on
>>>> Thursday 24th May for a relaxed and informal gathering.
>>>> Sign-up here: http://lanyrd.com/2012/opendata/
>>>> We are really excited to see plans for the School of Data moving
>>>> forward. With your help, we're sure that this will be a great success. It's
>>>> been really encouraging to read all the messages of support that were
>>>> submitted via our original form, and we hope that we can now begin putting
>>>> some of those excellent ideas into practice!
>>>> If you have any questions, do feel free to contact me directly or via
>>>> schoolofdata at okfn.org at any time.
>>>> Many thanks,
>>>> Laura
>>>> --
>>>> Laura Newman
>>>> Community Coordinator
>>>> Open Knowledge Foundation
>>>> http://okfn.org/
>>>> Skype: lauranewmanonskype
>>>> Twitter: @Newmanlk
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> School-of-data mailing list
>>>> School-of-data at lists.okfn.org
>>>> http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/school-of-data
>>> --
>>> João Pedro Cruz
>> --
>> Laura Newman
>> Community Coordinator
>> Open Knowledge Foundation
>> http://okfn.org/
>> Skype: lauranewmanonskype
>> Twitter: @Newmanlk
>> _______________________________________________
>> School-of-data mailing list
>> School-of-data at lists.okfn.org
>> http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/school-of-data
> --
> Rosamaria Bitetti
> my LinkedIn profile
> cell: +39 320 6275664
> skype: rosamaria.bitetti
> _______________________________________________
> School-of-data mailing list
> School-of-data at lists.okfn.org
> http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/school-of-data

Jane Park

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