[School-of-data] Introduction

Kate Chapman kate.chapman at hotosm.org
Thu May 24 11:11:32 UTC 2012


My name is Kate Chapman. I am a Geographer and Programmer. I work for the
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) as our Acting Executive Director.

One of HOT's goals is to teach communities how to do mapping in
OpenStreetMap for disaster preparedness. To accomplish this we create
various training materials with open licenses on how to collect, analyze
and visualize geographic data. I'm interested in helping with the School of
Data to help create more generic course materials. When training people I
always come across those that want to learn a more advanced or a different
skill-set, it would be wonderful to have something to point them towards.



Kate Chapman
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
email: kate.chapman at hotosm.org
U.S. mobile: +1 703 673 8834
Indonesian mobile: +62 82123068370
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