[School-of-data] Thank you!!

Jessy Kate Schingler jessy at jessykate.com
Thu May 24 17:07:26 UTC 2012

hey laura and all :)

seems like it was an amazing afternoon!

this might have been covered somewhere, but is there a general
timeline/order of operations being targeted? for example, i assume that the
initial focus is on developing course materials and then running a few
initial courses?

has it been discussed yet whether there will be specific coordinated
cohorts/sessions (eg. when several courses start at once)? or is the idea
that people can start and end them as they like? or, as with p2pu, both? is
there a target date for running the first course(s)?

finally, is the idea that, in general anyone should be able to assemble and
run a course? do we think there should be a community review process for
courses or more of an organic process where people "vote with their feet"
so to speak. at p2pu we have seen the arguments and benefits of both!
keeping things lightweight really helps make engagement easier and in
general might lead to more diversity of courses (because we're not
constraining course content or structure to what we THINK would work). but
having a review process helps keep the overall quality high and set


On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 9:14 AM, Laura Newman <laura.newman at okfn.org> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> First of all, a **huge thank you** to everyone who showed up and
> participated in the virtual sprint today. This is a fairly swift wrap-up as
> those of us in the 'physical' sprint in Belirn are currently being
> kicked-out our venue for the evening, but it really has been a great
> afternoon. I spotted more than 30 people taking part at one single moment
> in time, and over the course of the afternoon a huge number of you were
> involved.
> Here is a quick summary of what you achieved:
> * Many of you  took, reviewed and gave us feedback about our first course.
> Your feedback has been gathered on this etherpad:
> http://schoolofdata.okfnpad.org/course-1 and within the p2pu course
> itself.
> * Some of you started to write new courses.
> ** Clement has a new course ready for test run:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1p4yBPOf29IsmERSCjrRzom45Nnp3dZ0QWGHcL7mJjlM/edit
> ** Mepler has begun a basic course outline on data visualisation - more to
> come soon!
> ** Molly, Jane and others have been outlining a course on open licensing:
> http://schoolofdata.okfnpad.org/openchallenge, test at
> https://p2pu.org/en/groups/what-can-you-do-with-the-data-you-find/ - help
> improve/edit!
> * A full overview of the skills and practices that the School will address
> has been put together, and fleshed out a bit. Stiivi and Peter Murray-Rust
> have a working version up http://cl.ly/1v2x3b0N3t0K232S3E1L (new version
> coming soon)
> * More generally, there has been useful feedback on the aims, audience and
> learning model of the School. Some of this took place on IRC and has been
> 'noted' internally - much of it is formally gathered here:
> http://schoolofdata.okfnpad.org/thoughtsandfeedback
> * Several people have contributed great resources, and flagged up useful
> educational materials and datasets. See the spreadsheet here:
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aon3JiuouxLUdFZPM25HN2pHUk1XSXl0RFg5YkFId0E#gid=0
> I encourage you to keep checking in on the volunteers etherpad
> http://schoolofdata.okfnpad.org/volunteers and adding your thoughts and
> feedback. We particularly welcome criticism and pointers of what *isn't*
> working - because this is what will help us to improve.
> This has been a great beginning, and there is really exciting impetus
> going forward.
> In haste, but very happily :)
> Laura
> --
> Laura Newman
> Community Coordinator
> Open Knowledge Foundation
> http://okfn.org/
> Skype: lauranewmanonskype
> Twitter: @Newmanlk
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