[School-of-data] Taking Data Expeditions Online - Searching for Quests

Michael Bauer michael.bauer at okfn.org
Tue Nov 27 13:14:57 UTC 2012


After a successful session of Data Expeditions at the Mozilla Festival - we
were contemplating and discussing ways to take the concept online.

Data Expeditions are small peer-learning groups on a quest to take data and
discover stories and solve mysteries hidden in the data. To take this
online we're looking at new quests for people to involve in.

If you have a burning question, discovered a story in data but never had
time to pursue, or just have a topic you are really interested in: Post it
to the list or contact us at schoolofdata at okfn.org

Looking forward to your ideas,

ps.: if you're unsure about data expeditions: read about our mozfest
session here:

Data Wrangler with the Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN.org)
GPG/PGP key: http://tentacleriot.eu/mihi.asc
Twitter: @mihi_tr Skype: mihi_tr

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