[School-of-data] Weekly Data Roundup

Duarte Romero Varela duarte.romero.varela at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 03:06:36 UTC 2012

Hello all,

My name is Duarte and I'm studying an MA in Online Journalism at Birmingham
City University.

As part of one of data projects, I will be contributing to the OKFN with a
weekly data roundup. Here it is the first

I'm sure I'll miss a lot of things so, if you see anything that worths to
be in the round up, let me know.


Duarte Romero Varela
E-mail: duarte.romero.varela at gmail.com
Móbil: +34 687009500
Mobile phone (UK): +44 (0) 7848176197
@Duarte_RV (in English)
@xan_guindan (en galego)
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