[School-of-data] School of Data Tutorial Sprint

Michael Bauer michael.bauer at okfn.org
Wed Nov 28 16:02:49 UTC 2012


We've been silent very long since we hat the first test run of a course.
During this time we thought hard how to bring the courses online and
decided to integrate them as tutorials into the handbook. 

We want to push towards having the courses in the handbook at the end of
this week. The good news is: We need your help!

If you have 1-2 hours to spare today or tomorrow help us to transcribe the
courses from Google Docs into our Handbook. Find instructions on how to do
it here: https://github.com/okfn/datawrangling/wiki/Tutorial-Sprint

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

Thank you for your help,

Data Wrangler with the Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN.org)
GPG/PGP key: http://tentacleriot.eu/mihi.asc
Twitter: @mihi_tr Skype: mihi_tr

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